"Peace that my son is being taught Godly things and learning about Jesus everyday, by such a great teacher."

Parent response

"Legacy, for me, means getting to know and have fun relationships with friends. I have realized I also love what they teach us because it's true. I am so lucky to be here!"

4th grade student

"Legacy is a big family. I love going. It's the BEST!"

3rd grade student

"Legacy is a God-send! It gives my daughter and our family a place we can put our trust in her education and traditional values."

Legacy parent

"What I love about Legacy is that they made me feel welcome from the start! Also, Legacy is like family to me and they helped me grow closer to God and the Bible. I also love that everyone is super nice and God-loving people."

7th grade student

"We love Legacy because we've seen our kids thrive and grow in their love for Jesus 🙂 "

Legacy parents

"My favorite thing about Legacy is hugging the teachers."

2nd grade student