Legacy’s Core Beliefs

  • Students are more than just “students.” They are your children, loved and valued by Jesus. As such, they are to be loved and valued by us as well. This is central to everything we do.
  • The home, church and the school should complement each other: promoting your child’s spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth.
  • Parents have a God-given responsibility for the education of their child. Our staff shares this responsibility as “in loco parentis” when you enroll your child at Legacy.
  • The discipleship of your child is an intentional commitment to living, modeling, and applying God’s Word for them on a daily basis rather than an academic pursuit.
  • The instruction and education the students at Legacy receive must be in accordance with the Word of God.
  • Children thrive and learn best in an environment where they feel safe, valued, and are unconditionally loved; our priority is to provide such an environment.
  • Learning should be fun, multi-sensory, engaging and active as well as challenging.
  • God has given differing abilities and styles of learning to every child. It is our teacher’s responsibility to challenge and teach them according to their academic ability and style of learning.
  • Students at all grade levels must go beyond just acquiring knowledge and reciting facts. They must be challenged to think reasonably, critically, and creatively.
  • Children should be engaged in intensive learning while at school and “homework” kept to a minimum. Homework should be primarily for review and reinforcement, age-appropriate, and purposeful.
  • Providing enrichment opportunities in academics, the arts and sports play an important role in your child’s education.
  • Our teachers possess a genuine love for their students that is demonstrated daily in every type of interaction and classroom activity.
  • Our teachers must be well-trained and gifted by God to teach, nurture, and disciple their students spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.
  • All those ministering at Legacy Christian School are to be transformed by the renewing work of Jesus Christ in their lives rather than conformed to the world and its values. They must recognize their responsibility to exemplify a Christian lifestyle to our students and their parents in our society.


Legacy has adopted curriculum from the publishers listed below:

  • Bible: ACSI (grades K-5); Summit Ministries (Jr. High, grade 6-8)
  • Language Arts:
    • Literature: Modos Press (grades 3-8); supplemental resources
    • Phonics, reading, and handwriting: Fundations by Wilson Learning (grades K-2)
    • Spelling: ACSI (grades 3-5)
    • Writing and grammar: Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) (grades K-8)
  • Math: Big Ideas Math (grades K-8)
  • Social Studies/History: Bob Jones Heritage Studies (grades 1-8)
  • Science: Mystery Science (grades K-5); Mosa Mack (grades 6-8)

Typical school day/week at Legacy

Each day, at every grade level, our students begin their day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, Pledge to the Christian Flag, and Pledge to the Bible. The start of their day is rooted in praise and prayer. Most classes also begin their morning with a Bible lesson while others have Bible in the afternoon.

In the elementary grades, much of the core academic learning in English Language Arts and Math takes place in the morning hours with a recess to break it up. After lunch recess, students dig into either Social Studies or Science which rotate every-other day along with a corresponding hands-on activity. There is also scheduled afternoon recess and PE time that rotates every other day. Most classes end the day with activities such as group work, enrichment activities, P.E. (on rotation), clean-up and preparing to go home. Monday through Thursday, our students are engaged in focused learning activities while at school so that additional “homework” is minimal. We strongly value the importance of reading so your child will be asked to read on a daily basis, in addition to practicing their memory verse and spelling words for the week. At times, homework could include work that students did not complete in class, extended projects that require some work at home, or the review or reinforcement of concepts learned, such as math facts.

We have two middle school teachers: one is our 7th/8th grade “homeroom” teacher and teaches Math and Science while the other is our 6th grade “homeroom” teacher and teaches History and Writing/Literature. Twice a day, at morning recess and then again at lunch recess, students will move from one classroom to the other. Middle school students also have dedicated P.E. twice a week as well as enrichment built in to their daily schedule. For our middle school students, we philosophically believe that if students are working hard, on task, being diligent at school, homework should be both minimal but purposeful. However, more reading, writing, and studying at home will be expected of our middle school students.

Fridays are called Enrichment Fridays and are minimum days ending at noon. Students receive Math and Language Arts instruction, and the latter part of the morning is dedicated to other enrichment activities. These activities could include extended hands-on projects in science, art, music, or a number of other activities. At times special guests are brought in for enrichment or academic extension opportunities. As much as possible, field trips are taken on Fridays. Every Friday teachers send home a student folder with completed work, as well as class newsletters that re-cap the week’s activities and those coming up the following week.

K-8 Class Overviews
